Traditional Legacy

Medicinal plants are not only an integral part of human life but also of the ecosystem. They not only support life but also helps alleviating many aliments.

India’s wisdom of herbs/medicinal plants in the form of Ayurveda has greatly helped the world in many ways. Scientific researches have proved it to be effective and very useful. Herbs and spices are therapeutic tools for our daily well-being and cycle of life. Infact they were amongst the very first methods of survival and prevention of diseases in the history of humankind.

Medicinal plants sciences have limitless boundaries but due to modern day approach to fast remedial actions people choose cure over prevention which results in acceptance of unnatural and harmful intake. Modern science which is embraced by everyone, also believes that medicinal plants/herbs are not only limited to one active ingredient but numerous compounds that synergises great effects in human physiology. There are more than 500 medicinal plants listed in the ancient Indian Ayurvedic texts. These medicinal plants range from common spices used in the Indian kitchens to the highly priced rare Himalayan herbs. The herbs are well known in the Indian household due to their uses which are ingrained in the Indian tradition. Like the famous Turmeric or Curcuma which was used traditionally in medicines, cooking and cosmetics. Similarly Neem, Moringa, Tulsi, Sonth and many other herbs are known to have multiple uses in the Indian households. They are a part of our lives.

Now they are used globally in various forms and ways, in herbal supplements, food products, cosmetics and personal care products. There is a lot of Scientific research carried out on the action of these herbs including the popular Ashwagandha which is being even more researched now as it has a strong positive effect on immunity which is very relevant in current times. Each herb contains various phytoconstituents which have different actions on the physiology. Modern research characterizes and identifies many of these constituents and uses them individually. Whereas in Traditional wisdom or Ayurveda the herbs are used as a whole or even as combinations to make use of the synergy of the herbs. Ayurveda is about maintaining the inner balance and blissfulness. Various herbs are used for attaining this task in various forms. As the use of herbs and herbal products in increasing worldwide there is a huge need for their cultivation as well as high quality production so that their natural goodness is maintained.

Indian traditional legacy refers to the rich cultural heritage and practices that have been passed down through generations in India. India is known for its diverse traditions, rituals, customs, arts, music, dance forms, literature, cuisine, clothing, and spirituality, which collectively form its traditional legacy. This legacy is deeply rooted in the ancient civilizations and historical developments that have shaped the Indian subcontinent.